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Solar Lodge Convention


“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” (Carl Sagan)

Diesem berühmten, auf den ersten Blick fatalistisch wirkenden Zitat von Carl Sagan (1934-1996), das sich in seinem posthum 2006 veröffentlichten Buch „The Varieties of Scientific Experience – A Personal View of the Search for God“ finden lässt, geht eine empirische wie simple Erklärung voraus. Der Blick in die Vergangenheit. Fast jede Spezies, die jemals existiert hat, ist ausgestorben. Ausgestattet mit dieser Information könnte man nun die Frage stellen: Was bedeutet das für uns?

Unter anderem solche Fragestellungen bilden das Konzept, dem sich das Apocalyptic-Post-Goth-Ambient Projekt NEAR EARTH ORBIT seit 2015 widmet. Bei ihren Veröffentlichungen handelt es sich um nichts weniger als den Soundtrack der Apokalypse in einer dystopischen Welt, die so nah scheint, dass wir mehr als nur die Wurzel und erste Triebe im Heute erkennen und Ursachen ihrer Entwicklungen schon lange in der Vergangenheit gefunden werden können. NEAR EARTH ORBIT beschäftigen sich mit dem Ende aller Existenz, seinem wissenschaftlichen wie philosophischen Beschreiben, dem aussichtslosen Mühen, dieses Schicksal abzuwenden, den Leugnern, dem Leiden, der Hoffnung. Dabei werden Stimmen aus der Wissenschaft, der Philosophie, der Kunst und Pop-Kultur, der Politik und der künstlichen Intelligenzen verarbeitet, die aus der Vergangenheit über die Gegenwart ihre langen Schatten auf die Zukunft werfen oder aus der Zukunft vor dem Hintergrund des Unabwendbaren diese spiegeln.

Katja Spanier

Die 42 minütige ARThouse Dokumentation versucht uns das komplexe NEOverse näher zu bringen.

This famous quote by Carl Sagan (1934-1996), which may appear fatalistic at first glance, is found in his posthumously published 2006 book „The Varieties of Scientific Experience – A Personal View of the Search for God.“ It is preceded by an empirical and simple explanation. A look into the past reveals that almost every species that has ever existed has gone extinct. Equipped with this information, one could now ask the question: What does that mean for us?

Among other questions, such inquiries form the concept that the Apocalyptic-Post-Goth-Ambient project NEAR EARTH ORBIT has been devoted to since 2015. Their releases are nothing less than the soundtrack of the apocalypse in a dystopian world that seems so close that we can recognize more than just the roots and first shoots in the present, and the causes of its developments can be found long in the past. NEAR EARTH ORBIT deals with the end of all existence, its scientific and philosophical description, the futile efforts to avert this fate, the deniers, the suffering, and the hope. They process voices from science, philosophy, art and pop culture, politics, and artificial intelligences, which cast their long shadows on the future from the past through the present or reflect from the future against the backdrop of the inevitable.

Katja Spanier

The 42-minute ARThouse documentary attempts to bring us closer to the complex NEOverse.

42Min mit Untertitel | 42min with subtitle

AEON SABLE – 10 Dinge | 10 things


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An extraordinary convention of the LODGE! Die „Convention“ ist eine jährliche Zusammenkunft von Label-Musikern, Mitgliedern und ihren treuen Anhängern. Dies ist die 4. Ausgabe.

Datum: Sat 14.10.2023
Ort: Wittener Werkstadt, Mannesmannstr. 6, 58452 Witten

Doors: 18.45
19.30-20.15 LAPIS EXILIS
20.25-21.00 meet&greet ALPHAVOX
21.10-22.00 LA SCALTRA
22.20-23.20 NEAR EARTH ORBIT [ Echoes Of The Future ]
23.40-00.40 AEON SABLE [ Aenigma unleashed ]

limitiert auf 350 Karten!! Maximal 6 Tickets pro Person.

Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/2JoLwW1hO

Videoteaser: https://youtu.be/pW0Kl8yDNds

[english below]

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CONVENTION III: all hail to the Lodge!

An extraordinary event of Berlin Based Record Label Solar Lodge Edition No3. This was organised for the 2nd time in Bochum (1st time in Nov. 2018). Bochum is the perfect location for people coming from the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. After a 3,5h drive we arrived at Kulturzentrum Bahnhof-Langendreer at 18.00. In a local ‚kino cafe‘ next to the venue, we met other Convention participants. Together, we looked forward to what was to come…

The doors opened at 19.00. What immediately caught my eye was a large banner of one of the typical Merciful Nuns Giants. The merchandise stand was located next to the stage, there was something for everyone. A perfect opportunity to complete your collection with hoodies, t-shirts, albums of the Solar Lodge bands but also side-projects of the band members. Here was your chance, don’t say you didn’t know it. The venue was fantastic. The audience could stand close to the stage and this was of course the charm of a club concert. Quite a contrast to Sinner’s Day Summer last week. An indoor concert made it a bit more intimate. Familiar faces from the Nunhood and making contact is always nice. There was plenty of opportunity for networking. Meanwhile, the crew was busy getting everything ready as the first performance started at 19.45.

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Review Convention II

Introduction :

Summer festival season is over but there’s still an important event on my list: The Convention. This year it’s organised with several other bands at the Kulttempel in Oberhausen. I’m especially looking forward to seeing Lapis Exilis and The Devil & The Universe.
Around 10 am we leave to Oberhausen after picking up a friend at the station. We’ll be at the meeting point in time (4.30 pm, Im Centro). It’s always great to have a few drinks in advance with the Nunhood, before leaving all together to the venue.
For many of us, this is the first time we are seeing the N.E.O.s Artificial Intelligence broadcast.
We arrive at the venue at 7.15 pm and we hear soundscapes from Artaud Seth. The soundscapes put us in the right mood. I hear pieces of N.E.O. and A-U-M. This brings me to Frater Fidens. I’m pleased to be with him again in thoughts (rest in piece my friend). We continue talking with friends and take a look at the merchandising.

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