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The Devil & The Universe

Dark, occult, symbolist and surrealist art

I am delighted and excited: the artist Billy Phobia answers questions about his art and his view on the symbiosis between music and cover artwork. Many bands from the Solar Lodge label have been working with him for years. It’s high time to learn more about him and his art.
I know Billy Phobia for many years, since the SGM Festival in Madrid 2012, where he was the DJ and part of the organizer-team.

You are a very creative person on many levels. Music, art, design… what form of artistic expression do you prefer for your own ideas? Billy: Indeed, my joy’s soul lies in creativity. Well, I think that all of them give voice to my inner self and let me sharing it to the world in uniquely personal ways. However, only art makes me truly resonate with the thrill of the creation in itself, regardless the alleged artistic merit or the perception of the final result by others. At that very moment my senses operate at their peak and I feel fully alive. Conversely, as professional designer, I have to meet certain needs and make my ideas work. I enjoy the challenge a lot but there are many external factors affecting my expression to a lesser or greater degree, while I’m always trying to take it all to my artistic terrain. Similarly, it makes little sense to spin music at a club or curate a mix of songs without taking your audience into account at all. I’m myself on decks but also strive to find a balance between what I want to share and what circumstances require. Everyone is a DJ at home. In fact, everyone is a DJ now, but that’s another story. In short, although all these forms of artistic expression are meaningful and fulfilling, I would choose art as it’s a completely free and introspective journey without a clear fix on the destination.

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Visionäres Multitalent – Ein Interview mit der Autorin und Video Künstlerin Edie Calie

Edie, du bist Autorin und Videokünstlerin. Das geschriebene Wort und das Visuelle – wo kommt deiner Meinung nach die Kunst/Kreativität stärker zum Ausdruck?
Edie Calie: Schreiben und Videos drehen sind für mich zwar zwei unterschiedliche Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, die aber sehr gut zusammenpassen. Beides beginnt mit visuellen Vorstellungen in meinem Kopf, die ich dann entweder zu Papier bringe oder nachstelle. Bei beiden geht es mir darum, Stimmungen zu erzeugen und Geschichten zu erzählen. Insofern kann ich gar nicht sagen wo die Kunst/ Kreativität stärker zum Ausdruck kommt. Schreiben hat den Vorteil, dass ich dafür keine anderen Menschen brauche und es keine Limitierungen gibt. Musikvideos haben den Vorteil, dass ich sie in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der jeweiligen Band mache und wenn zwei kreative Menschen sich Ideen hin- und herwerfen, kollidieren die manchmal und es entstehen wunderbare Ideenmonster, die man allein nie erschaffen hätte.

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